About the European Union Reference Laboratory for Processing Contaminants

European Union Reference Laboratory for Processing Contaminants


The purpose of the European Union Reference Laboratory for Processing Contaminants (EURL-PC) is to provide the National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) with analytical methods for processing contaminants, to ensure their analytical quality, disseminate relevant knowledge to the NRLs and advise to the Commission. Finally, the EURL-PC is part of the European contingency for food safety with its scope.

A key part of the task is proficiency test to develop and document the analytical performance by the NRLs and official control laboratories as described in EU 2017/625 and EU 2004/882.


Most of the activities of the EURL-PC aim to implement:

· Efficient methods for determination of processing contaminants

· Boosting the communication in the EURL/NRL/OfL network

· Strengthen education and training

· Address knowledge gaps

· Ensuring harmonization in analysis


The EURL-PC is hosted by the National Food Institute at Technical University of Denmark (DTU Food), in the Research Group for Analytical Food Chemistry. The ambition of the Research Group is to develop and apply reliable, robust and detailed chemical analysis of relevant compounds in food and biological matrices. Comprehensive analytical data are crucial for trust and transparency in food thereby for a healthy choice by consumers, as well as for regulation by authorities and innovation by industry. Food quality, authenticity and fraud are core themes in this strategy. Our core platform is high performance mass spectrometry coupled to chromatography applying MS-MS, accurate mass spectrometry and isotope ratio measurements for trace analysis of small organic compounds in food, feed and biological samples.

By challenging state-of-the-art mass spectrometry, data processing and sample preparation we strive to:

· Develop cost-efficient, robust and scalable methods for food monitoring

  and control that are specific and sensitive as well as of value for the

  official food control.

· Develop screening methods that are comprehensive to discover emerging


· Maintain a metabolomics platform to unravel biological effects and

  mechanisms of chemicals.

· Co-develop new analytical technologies and strategies.


DTU Food supports the EURL-PC with basic housing, infrastructure, administrative and IT-support.

22 JANUARY 2025